Student Develops AI Model for Sign Language Translation

Student Develops AI Model for Sign Language Translation

Preeyaj Safary, a compassionate 19-year-old BTech student at NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (MPSTME), Mumbai, claims to have created an AI model for sign language translation. This innovative technology is believed to revolutionize communication for individuals with hearing and speech impairments. By harnessing the power of AI, Preeyaj’s model is said to bridge the communication gap hence empowering the hearing and speech-impaired community.

The Sign Language Translation AI Model

The Sign Language Translation AI Model developed by Preeyaj Safary enables seamless communication between the hearing and speech-impaired individuals and the rest of society. It works by capturing sign language gestures through a camera and accurately translating them into written text displayed on a connected screen.

How Does It Work?

The AI model uses advanced computer vision algorithms to analyze and interpret the sign language gestures. It compares the captured gestures with a comprehensive database of sign language images, allowing it to accurately identify the intended meaning. The model then converts the gestures into written text, providing a clear and understandable form of communication.

Database Expansion for Accuracy

To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the translation, Preeyaj collected a diverse range of sign language images from various sources. This comprehensive database continues to expand as Preeyaj actively works to include more signs. The increased usage of the technology contributes to enhancing the accuracy and completeness of the database, making the translation even more reliable over time.

Empowering the Hearing and Speech-Impaired Community

The Sign Language Translation AI Model developed by Preeyaj Safary has a profound impact on the lives of individuals with hearing and speech impairments. It enables them to effectively communicate their thoughts, needs, and emotions to others who may not understand sign language. This empowerment creates opportunities for better integration into society and fosters inclusivity.

Preeyaj’s Motivation and Achievements

Preeyaj’s motivation for developing the AI model stems from witnessing the challenges faced by deaf and mute individuals in communicating with the outside world. Inspired by the inclusive nature of society, he embarked on a mission to utilize technology for facilitating smooth communication. His dedication to leveraging technology for societal betterment is also reflected in his previous accomplishments, such as developing a computer program to assist elderly individuals in booking vaccination slots during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Support from NMIMS MPSTME

Preeyaj’s remarkable achievements have been greatly supported by NMIMS MPSTME Mumbai and its dedicated faculty. The institution’s nurturing environment and encouragement have played a vital role in his success. NMIMS MPSTME provides a platform that enables students like Preeyaj to explore their potential, make significant contributions, and address critical societal needs through innovative solutions.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, Preeyaj envisions a future where technology continues to drive positive social change. With a motto centered around doing good for society, he aims to further explore new technologies and identify innovative use cases that address pressing societal needs. His passion for technology and dedication to academic excellence demonstrate his commitment to making a lasting impact.


Preeyaj Safary’s Sign Language Translation AI Model is a testament to the transformative power of technology and innovation. By bridging the communication gap, Preeyaj empowers the hearing and speech-impaired community, enabling them to interact seamlessly with the larger society. NMIMS MPSTME remains dedicated to nurturing the talents of its students and providing them with the tools and support to create a better world.



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