BRI Partners with Tencent Cloud for Secure, Frictionless Banking Experience

BRI Partners with Tencent Cloud for Secure, Frictionless Banking Experience

Indonesian banking leader, PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BRI), is shaking things up by joining forces with tech giant Tencent Cloud and local partner Hi Cloud Indonesia! This collaboration aims to revolutionize BRI’s banking services using cutting-edge technology. So, it wants to deliver a smoother, faster, and more secure banking experience in Indonesia!

Here’s what makes this collaboration so exciting:

  • Tencent Cloud on Board: BRI gains access to Tencent’s expertise in working with banks worldwide. This means access to high-quality and reliable tech solutions, propelling BRI to the forefront of Indonesian banking innovation.
  • Focus on Customer Experience: This isn’t just about tech for tech’s sake. BRI is prioritizing a user-centric approach. The goal? To deliver a more convenient, inclusive, efficient, and secure banking experience for all.
  • AI-powered Security Imagine opening an account or applying for a loan from anywhere, anytime! Tencent Cloud’s AI-powered eKYC (electronic Know Your Customer) solution allows for secure remote identity verification, streamlining processes and reducing fraud risk.

This collaboration is more than just an announcement. It’s a sign of things to come! BRI is demonstrating its commitment to staying ahead of the curve in the Indonesian banking industry. By combining Tencent’s tech muscle with BRI’s local expertise, this partnership promises to develop innovative banking services that not only meet customer needs but exceed expectations.


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