Why Supreme Court Is Upset with Ramdev and Patanjali: A Closer Look

Why Supreme Court Is Upset with Ramdev and Patanjali: A Closer Look

In a recent legal battle that has kept everyone’s attention, the Supreme Court of India has expressed its displeasure with Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna, the managing director of Patanjali Ayurved. The court’s stern response comes in the wake of alleged violations related to misleading advertisements and non-compliance with court orders. Let’s delve into the details of this contentious issue.


On Tuesday, both Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna tendered an “unconditional apology” before the Supreme Court. Their apology was in connection with their failure to file proper affidavits of compliance in a case involving misleading advertisements. The court had previously issued specific instructions to Patanjali, emphasizing that the company should refrain from making “casual statements claiming medicinal efficacy or against any system of medicine” in its advertisements.

The Violations

Despite the court’s clear directives, Patanjali allegedly continued to propagate false and misleading claims. The company’s advertisements raised concerns about their accuracy and adherence to legal standards. The court took a dim view of this behaviour, considering it a “gross violation of the undertaking given to the top court” regarding misleading ads.

The Court’s Reaction

The Supreme Court did not mince words. It accused Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna of “absolute defiance.” The court emphasized that orders issued by courts across the country must be respected without exception. The duo was warned that contempt proceedings could be initiated against them if they failed to comply with court directives.

Patanjali’s Perjury?

The court also noted that Patanjali appeared guilty of perjury. This serious allegation stems from the company’s failure to file proper affidavits despite being explicitly instructed to do so. The court’s patience wore thin, and it demanded accountability from the company and its leaders.

The Centre’s Role

The Supreme Court did not spare the BJP-led Centre either. It questioned why the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy) remained passive when Patanjali made claims about Covid remedies in allopathy. The court’s disapproval extended to the company’s actions during the Covid outbreak, further highlighting the gravity of the situation.

What Lies Ahead

The court granted one last opportunity to Baba Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna to file their affidavits within a week. Their compliance will be closely monitored, and the court has scheduled further hearings for April 10. Both individuals have been directed to appear before the court on that date.

In short

The clash between the Supreme Court and Patanjali underscores the importance of adhering to court orders and maintaining transparency in advertising practices. As the legal battle unfolds, all eyes remain on the courtroom, waiting to see whether the company and its leaders can rectify their course and regain the court’s trust.

Disclaimer: This article is based on available information and does not constitute legal advice. Readers are encouraged to follow the court proceedings for the most up-to-date developments.



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